Subj : Apple RCS 📱, SBF's 25 year sentence 👮, Linux Foundation's Redis fork 👨‍💻 To : From : TLDR Date : Fri Mar 29 2024 10:38 am --ALbozRiW Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable RCS is coming to the iPhone in the fall of 2024=C2=A0 Sign Up [1]|Adve= rtise [2]|View Online [3]=20 =09=09TLDR =09=09TOGETHER WITH [Veraco= de] [4] TLDR 2024-03-29 BUILD FAST, BUILD SECURE (SPONSOR) [4] = Software is drowning in security debt. Research by Veracode has foun= d that 70.8% of organizations have security debt and nearly 50% have cr= itical debt. What can you do about it? Veracode DAST [4] keeps your secur= ity testing up to speed with your release schedule: =09* Run securit= y tests faster [4]. Get actionable results with a <5% false positive rate= .. =09* Integrate security seamlessly into your pipeline (in 10 minutes = [4]). Deploy new features with peace of mind. =09* Automate or schedule s= cans [4] with flexible scan parameters and granular control.. =09* Scan= hundreds of apps and APIs [4] simultaneously - including pre-production = and staging environments behind your firewall. =F0=9F=86=93 Try Veraco= de DAST free for 14 days [4] =F0=9F=93=B1 BIG TECH & STARTUPS = SAM BANKMAN-FRIED SENTENCED TO 25 YEARS FOR FTX FRAUD (4 MINUTE READ)= [5]=20 FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried has been sentenced to a tota= l of 300 months in prison for seven counts of conspiracy and fraud charge= s. He has also been ordered to forfeit more than $11 billion, including= property. The sentence is shorter than the 40 to 50 years requested by= the prosecutors, but longer than the six and a half years his lawyers = asked for and far less than the maximum of 110 years. Bankman-Fried has b= een residing in custody since August 2023, where he has been subjected to= multiple extortion attempts.=20 FACEBOOK LET NETFLIX SEE USER DMS, QUI= T STREAMING TO KEEP NETFLIX HAPPY (2 MINUTE READ) [6]=20 Facebook Wat= ch, announced in 2017, never really took off. Recently revealed documents= show the company's plans for the platform and how it was confident in it= s ability to compete with Netflix. Mark Zuckerberg abruptly announced a c= hange in strategy in May 2018, suddenly slashing the budget for the platf= orm. He claimed the budget changes were based on his knowledge of the com= pany's strategy and financial outlook. Months later, Facebook and Netflix= announced a new data-sharing agreement that involved Netflix reaching $2= 00 million in advertising spend by 2019. The companies also had a data-sh= aring agreement that may have allowed Netflix to access Facebook users'= private messages.=20 =F0=9F=9A=80=20 SCIENCE & FUTURISTIC TECHNOLO= GY HOW WE=E2=80=99LL REACH A 1 TRILLION TRANSISTOR GPU (7 MINUTE READ= ) [7]=20 Recent achievements in AI have been due to three factors: inno= vation in efficient machine-learning algorithms, the availability of mass= ive amounts of data to train neural networks, and progress in energy-ef= ficient computing through the advancement of semiconductor technology. Th= e industry will need much more powerful devices to continue at its curren= t pace. For the past 50 years, the industry has focused on shrinking the = transistor, but now, there are many more possibilities. Future GPUs will = not be restricted to the sizes and form factors of current devices - inte= grated AI systems will be composed of as many energy-efficient transistor= s as is practical.=20 MEMORIES ARE MADE BY BREAKING DNA =E2=80=94 AND F= IXING IT (4 MINUTE READ) [8]=20 A study in mice shows that memories a= re formed from breaks in DNA. These breaks occur due to a rush of electri= cal activity and are repaired using an inflammatory response. The finding= s suggest a mechanism for faulty memory in people with neurodegenerative = diseases. =F0=9F=92=BB PROGRAMMING, DESIGN & DATA SCIENCE = VALKEY: THE OPEN SOURCE ALTERNATIVE TO REDIS BACKED BY AWS, GOOGLE, O= RACLE (5 MINUTE READ) [9]=20 Valkey is a high-performance data structur= e server that primarily serves key/value workloads. It is an open-source = fork of the popular Redis data store. The project started as Redis Labs, = the company behind the original Redis codebase, changed Redis to more res= trictive licensing. The Valkey fork has assembled an impressive roster of= maintainers and contributors and has wide-ranging industry support.=20 = SPICE (GITHUB REPO) [10]=20 Spice is a runtime that makes querying = data by SQL across one or more data sources simple and fast. It provides = developers with a unified SQL query interface that can locally materializ= e, accelerate, and query data tables sourced from any database, data ware= house, or data lake. Spice makes it easy to build data-driven and data-in= tensive applications. It leverages industry-leading technologies like Apa= che DataFusion, Apache Arrow, Apache Arrow Flight, and DuckDB.=20 = =F0=9F=8E=81 MISCELLANEOUS A FEW THOUGHTS ON THE DOJ=E2=80=99S A= NTITRUST CASE AGAINST APPLE (7 MINUTE READ) [11]=20 None of the thing= s mentioned in the DOJ's case against Apple should be a surprise to anyon= e who has been following in the Apple space for years. People have been h= oping the company would change or tweak its ways in many of these areas. = While Apple's actions may be disagreeable, they may not be illegal. The D= OJ is fighting an uphill battle with its case, but it will hopefully appl= y some pressure on Apple to loosen its grip on some things.=20 GOOGLE= SAYS APPLE IS BRINGING RCS TO THE IPHONE IN =E2=80=98FALL OF 2024=E2=80= =99 (2 MINUTE READ) [12]=20 The Android website has added a new landi= ng page for Google Messages which notes that RCS is coming to the iPhone = in the fall of 2024. It is not clear whether RCS will arrive with the ini= tial release of iOS 18 or in an update in the last few months of the year= .. The updated landing page also notes that animated emoji reactions are c= oming soon to RCS. Screenshots of the landing page are available in the a= rticle.=20 =E2=9A=A1 QUICK LINKS PYPI HALTED NEW USERS AND PR= OJECTS WHILE IT FENDED OFF SUPPLY-CHAIN ATTACK (7 MINUTE READ) [13]=20 = New project creation was halted on PyPI for around 10 hours while the= site dealt with an onslaught of package uploads that executed maliciou= s code on any device that installed them.=20 4.5 MILLION TIMES FASTER I= NTERNET? ASTON UNIVERSITY MAKES IT POSSIBLE (4 MINUTE READ) [14]=20 R= esearchers at Aston University achieved an internet data transmission spe= ed of 301 terabits per second by utilizing wavelength bands that have not= been previously used in fiber-optic systems.=20 MEET HUME=E2=80=99S EM= PATHIC VOICE INTERFACE (1 MINUTE READ) [15]=20 Hume can understand peop= les' tone of voice and use that to inform its generated voice language. = GOOGLE NOW INDEXING BITCOIN=E2=80=99S BLOCKCHAIN TO SHOW WALLET BALA= NCES (2 MINUTE READ) [16]=20 Google Search can now display balances f= or wallets on the Bitcoin, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Fantom, Optimism, and Pol= ygon networks.=20 MOJO IS OPEN SOURCE! (1 MINUTE READ) [17]=20 Modu= lar has shared its full commit history and open sourced Mojo, a programmi= ng language that combines Python's syntax and ecosystem with systems prog= ramming and metaprogramming features.=20 MY LIST OF CHALLENGING SOFTWAR= E PROJECTS SOME PROGRAMMERS SHOULD TRY (9 MINUTE READ) [18]=20 A list= of project ideas for those interested in exploring new areas of knowledg= e - most of the ideas may not be relevant to today's job market.=20 Lo= ve TLDR and want free stuff? =F0=9F=8E=81 Share TLDR with your friend= s and get rewards when they subscribe. Simply send them your referral lin= k below!=20 [1]=20 =09=09Earn a TL= DR T-shirt =F0=9F=91=95, slides =F0=9F=A9=B4, or even an autobiography ab= out your life! =F0=9F=A4=AF [19] Want more TLDR? We also write n= ewsletters for Web Dev, AI, Information Security, Product Management, Dev= Ops, Founders, Design, Marketing, and more!=20 SIGN UP NOW! [20]=20 W= ant to advertise in TLDR? =F0=9F=93=B0 If your company is interested = in reaching an audience of tech executives, decision-makers and engineers= , you may want to ADVERTISE WITH US [21].=20 If you have any comments= or feedback, just respond to this email!=20 Thanks for reading,=20 Dan = Ni [22] & Stephen Flanders [23]=20 If you don't want to receive future e= ditions of TLDR, please=C2=A0click here to unsubscribe [24].=20 = Links: ------ [1] [2] https://adver= vertisetopnav [3] c=3Db5bb39ac-a04f-11ee-8692-6388dbdd6fd1&p=3D11a8f80a-ed9c-11ee-9929-e72f8a= 8550f0&pt=3Dcampaign&t=3D1711708714&s=3De438967ba6a398ad87a2d9b1b56d5b66fd2= 9980565c45badad07a0bb2e7c04a7 [4] ic-analysis-dast?utm_source=3Dtldr&utm_medium=3Dinfosec-newsletter&utm_camp= aign=3DVER7013n0000019ZIBAA2&utm_content=3Ddast-free-trial [5] https://ww= m_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [6] flix-ad-spend-led-to-facebook-dm-access-end-of-facebook-streaming-biz-lawsu= it/?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [7] ansistor-gpu?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [8] les/d41586-024-00930-y?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [9] https://www.cyberk= sletter [10] er [11] se-against-apple/?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [12] /2024/03/28/iphone-rcs-fall-2024/?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [13] https:= // -it-fended-off-supply-chain-attack/?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [14] http= s:// -aston-university-makes-it-possible?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [15] http= s:// ter [16] urce=3Dtldrnewsletter [17] 2518295831?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [18] /03/28/programming-projects-ideas?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [19] https:= // [20] [21] dr&utm_medium=3Dnewsletter&utm_campaign=3Dadvertisecta [22] https://twitt= [23] [24] https://ac= 79b628af2&lc=3Db5bb39ac-a04f-11ee-8692-6388dbdd6fd1&p=3D11a8f80a-ed9c-11ee-= 9929-e72f8a8550f0&pt=3Dcampaign&pv=3D4&spa=3D1711706419&t=3D1711708714&s=3D= 13190732800c436df7f5e35373708ba86b0a79c54db06b1dd7039091be1af242 --ALbozRiW Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
RCS is coming to the iPhone in the fall of 2024 

TL<= span data-darkreader-inline-color=3D"" style=3D"color: rgb(101, 195, 173) != important; --darkreader-inline-color:#6ec7b2; font-size:30px;">DR

Together With 3D"Veracode"

TLDR 2024-03-29

Build fast, build secure (S= ponsor)

Software is drowning in security debt. = Research by Veracode has found that 70.8% of organizations have security de= bt and nearly 50% have critical debt. What can you do about it?

Veracode DAST keeps your securi= ty testing up to speed with your release schedule:

=F0=9F=86=93 Try Veracode DAST free for 14 days =20 =20

<= /td>
<= tr>
=F0=9F= =93=B1

Big Tech & Startups

<= /table>
<= td class=3D"container" style=3D"padding: 15px 15px;">
Sam Bankman-Fried sentenced= to 25 years for FTX fraud (4 minute read)

FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried has be= en sentenced to a total of 300 months in prison for seven counts of conspir= acy and fraud charges. He has also been ordered to forfeit more than $11 bi= llion, including property. The sentence is shorter than the 40 to 50 years = requested by the prosecutors, but longer than the six and a half years his = lawyers asked for and far less than the maximum of 110 years. Bankman-Fried= has been residing in custody since August 2023, where he has been subjecte= d to multiple extortion attempts.
Facebook let Netflix see us= er DMs, quit streaming to keep Netflix happy (2 minute read)

Facebook Watch, announced in 2017, neve= r really took off. Recently revealed documents show the company's plans for= the platform and how it was confident in its ability to compete with Netfl= ix. Mark Zuckerberg abruptly announced a change in strategy in May 2018, su= ddenly slashing the budget for the platform. He claimed the budget changes = were based on his knowledge of the company's strategy and financial outlook= .. Months later, Facebook and Netflix announced a new data-sharing agreement= that involved Netflix reaching $200 million in advertising spend by 2019. = The companies also had a data-sharing agreement that may have allowed Netfl= ix to access Facebook users' private messages.
=F0=9F= =9A=80

Science & Futuristic Technology

<= /table>
<= td class=3D"container" style=3D"padding: 15px 15px;">
How We=E2=80=99ll Reach a 1= Trillion Transistor GPU (7 minute read)

Recent achievements in AI have been due= to three factors: innovation in efficient machine-learning algorithms, the= availability of massive amounts of data to train neural networks, and prog= ress in energy-efficient computing through the advancement of semiconductor= technology. The industry will need much more powerful devices to continue = at its current pace. For the past 50 years, the industry has focused on shr= inking the transistor, but now, there are many more possibilities. Future G= PUs will not be restricted to the sizes and form factors of current devices= - integrated AI systems will be composed of as many energy-efficient trans= istors as is practical.
Memories are made by breaki= ng DNA =E2=80=94 and fixing it (4 minute read)

A study in mice shows that memories are= formed from breaks in DNA. These breaks occur due to a rush of electrical = activity and are repaired using an inflammatory response. The findings sugg= est a mechanism for faulty memory in people with neurodegenerative diseases= ..
=F0=9F= =92=BB

Programming, Design & Data Science

<= /table>
<= td class=3D"container" style=3D"padding: 15px 15px;">
Valkey: The Open Source Alt= ernative to Redis Backed by AWS, Google, Oracle (5 minute read)

Valkey is a high-performance data struc= ture server that primarily serves key/value workloads. It is an open-source= fork of the popular Redis data store. The project started as Redis Labs, t= he company behind the original Redis codebase, changed Redis to more restri= ctive licensing. The Valkey fork has assembled an impressive roster of main= tainers and contributors and has wide-ranging industry support.
Spice (GitHub Repo)

Spice is a runtime that makes querying = data by SQL across one or more data sources simple and fast. It provides de= velopers with a unified SQL query interface that can locally materialize, a= ccelerate, and query data tables sourced from any database, data warehouse,= or data lake. Spice makes it easy to build data-driven and data-intensive = applications. It leverages industry-leading technologies like Apache DataFu= sion, Apache Arrow, Apache Arrow Flight, and DuckDB.
=F0=9F= =8E=81


<= /div>
<= /table>
A few thoughts on the DOJ= =E2=80=99s antitrust case against Apple (7 minute read)

None of the things mentioned in the DOJ= 's case against Apple should be a surprise to anyone who has been following= in the Apple space for years. People have been hoping the company would ch= ange or tweak its ways in many of these areas. While Apple's actions may be= disagreeable, they may not be illegal. The DOJ is fighting an uphill battl= e with its case, but it will hopefully apply some pressure on Apple to loos= en its grip on some things.
Google says Apple is bringi= ng RCS to the iPhone in =E2=80=98fall of 2024=E2=80=99 (2 minute read)

The Android website has added a new lan= ding page for Google Messages which notes that RCS is coming to the iPhone = in the fall of 2024. It is not clear whether RCS will arrive with the initi= al release of iOS 18 or in an update in the last few months of the year. Th= e updated landing page also notes that animated emoji reactions are coming = soon to RCS. Screenshots of the landing page are available in the article.
=E2=9A= =A1
<= tbody>

Quick Links

<= /table> =20
PyPI halted new users and p= rojects while it fended off supply-chain attack (7 minute read)

New project creation was halted on PyPI= for around 10 hours while the site dealt with an onslaught of package uplo= ads that executed malicious code on any device that installed them.
4.5 million times faster in= ternet? Aston University makes it possible (4 minute read)

Researchers at Aston University achieve= d an internet data transmission speed of 301 terabits per second by utilizi= ng wavelength bands that have not been previously used in fiber-optic syste= ms.
Meet Hume=E2=80=99s Empathi= c Voice Interface (1 minute read)

Hume can understand peoples' tone of vo= ice and use that to inform its generated voice language.
Google now indexing Bitcoin= =E2=80=99s blockchain to show wallet balances (2 minute read)

Google Search can now display balances = for wallets on the Bitcoin, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Fantom, Optimism, and Poly= gon networks.
Mojo is Open Source! (1 min= ute read)

Modular has shared its full commit hist= ory and open sourced Mojo, a programming language that combines Python's sy= ntax and ecosystem with systems programming and metaprogramming features.
My list of challenging soft= ware projects some programmers should try (9 minute read)

A list of project ideas for those inter= ested in exploring new areas of knowledge - most of the ideas may not be re= levant to today's job market.

Love TLDR and want free stuff? =F0=9F=8E=81

<= div class=3D"text-block"> Share TLDR with your friends and get rewards when they subscribe. Simply send them your referral link below!
Earn a TLDR T-shirt =F0=9F=91=95, slides =F0=9F=A9=B4, or even an a= utobiography about your life! =F0=9F=A4=AF

Want more TLDR?

We also write newsletters for Web Dev,= AI, Information Security, Product Manageme= nt, DevOps, Founders, Design,= Marketing, and more!

Sign up= now!

Want to advertise in TLDR? =F0=9F=93=B0

If your company is interested in reaching an audience of tech= executives, decision-makers and engineers, you may want to advertise with us<= /strong>.

If you have any comments or feedback, just respond to this em= ail!

Thanks for reading,
Dan = Ni & Stephen Flanders

<= tbody>
If you don't want to receive future editi= ons of TLDR, please click her= e to unsubscribe.
3D"" --ALbozRiW-- .