Subj : OS2 Compression Programs To : ALL From : Joe Schweier Date : Fri Dec 23 2005 09:52 pm * Forwarded from "FIDONET FE_HELP" * Original by Joe Schweier (1:275/312.1) * Original to ALL * Original dated Fri 23 Dec 2005 20:15 -+- Forwarded message follows: -+- @MSGID: 1:275/ b2943631 @PID: FM 2.33.mL CS000602 @CHRS: IBMPC 2 @CODEPAGE: 437 Can someone tell me what their commandline is to compress and decompress mail with fastecho & OS2. I have the OS2 version of Pkzip and I also have Infozip's verion. Thanx Joe -!- ! Origin: (1:275/312.1) -+- End of forwarded message -+- --- * Origin: (1:275/312.1) .