Subj : Hmmmm... Thinking again To : Alan Ianson From : mark lewis Date : Fri Jan 06 2006 03:23 pm PL> WHat I need to know is, because I remeber some time ago the abilty to PL> invoke external programs from FD, if there is a way according to a PL> flag in the nodelist to invoke an external program (specificly PL> BinkD by the IBN or INA flag) which will fire up the external to PL> deliver that mail. AI> One thing just popped into my head, is some kind of a move utility AI> available for FD? yes, as well as a bit of simple .BAT file code... however, the one util checks flags and such and works with the STatic Queue (STQ)... however, i cannot remember if it was ever released to the public... i think so but will have to check a few things to be sure... i know that if it/they are in my files areas, then they were released... hopefully, they've not gone tripping somewhere and i've lost them... AI> If so you could use it to move mail/files for AI> certain nodes to another directory. Binkd has support for AI> fileboxes, it'll send evertything in a certain directory to the AI> node specified. That would be a reliable & cost free method to AI> doing this I think. that is exactly how i run my FD/BinkD hybrid setup... fileboxes and special routings... )\/(ark * Origin: (1:3634/12) .