Subj : Hmmmm... Thinking again To : Alan Ianson From : Philip Lozier Date : Sun Jan 08 2006 12:48 am AI> My mailer supports IBN, IFC and ITN:60177, so FD (or any ITN AI> capable) AI> nodes are always welcome to connect here. :) Cool... PL>> With the different technologies for FidoNet that now exist I would like to PL>> PL>> continue (or should I say -make it primary again- other than the editor) PL>> to use FD for my Fido mailing purposes. AI> I think you could run the binkd daemon there along with FD. If you AI> just AI> add the nodes you want binkd to handle in your binkd.cfg it will AI> only AI> send those packets, it just wouldn't know what to do with the other AI> stuff so it would leave it alone. Binkd uses the AI> BinkleyStyleOutbound AI> though, that could be difficult. Yea... I know that... I used to do that. Now I just bypass FD altogether (except for using the editor which I refuse to give up :) and just let the tosser and BinkD do the work. AI> I think Irex would be a solution, it can deal with FD's outbound. AI> It AI> would take some configuring so Irex would leave the stuff FD should AI> handle alone but I think that's doable. You'd need to have Irex run AI> from an event in FD and I can't remember how to do that but the AI> folks AI> in this echo could give us a clue. I did run Irex from BT in the AI> past AI> and it worked well. I tried that some time back as well. Rather than go through all of that there are other options that are "all in one", like Radius. I just hate the idea of never being able to use my beloved FD effectively again the way I -used- to in todays FidoNet. Putting it to bed would be like losing a lifelong freind. AI> No solutions there, sorry.. but ideas.. :) Thanks for the input. Phil --- FMail/Win32 1.60 * Origin: ==<>== part of the NYCap/Adirondack Netwo (1:267/169) .