Subj : FrontDoor To : CRAIG GAGNER From : Philip Lozier Date : Mon Jan 09 2006 01:03 pm CG> I purchased a Multiline version of Frontdoor about 15 years ago, CG> think they CG> might still have my info ?? CG> I woudnt mind putting Frodo back up.. Who knows... it's possible. I couldn't find my key info awhile back (had it on a few floppies but at the time had misplaced them) so I contacted them... waited and waited... in the meantime I found the floppies with copies of my key info and used them... more time went by and they finally sent me my key info... I sent them a polite e-mail and thanked them for sending the info, but that I had found my key info 2 1/2 weeks before they sent it... Ah! now that I think about it, at that time I also needed the 2.33ml software too as I had lost my whole setup, and it can't be downloaded anywhere... had that backed up too but it took time to find it. Anyway... point is, you can try them, but don't hold your breath, and just when you might think of giving up on getting a response, they just might suprise you. Phil --- FMail/Win32 1.60 * Origin: ==<>== part of the NYCap/Adirondack Netwo (1:267/169) .