Subj : FrontDoor's Zmodem To : CAROL SHENKENBERGER From : mark lewis Date : Sun Dec 17 2006 11:53 am ml> haha, right! don't go assuming that i would stoop so low as to ml> try to impersonate joho... ml> ml> i know better... ac> 06 Nov 2006 16:33, Joaquim Homrighausen wrote to T.J. Mcmillen: JH> I'm not making any promises, but I haven't gone away. ac> ;-)) ml> take it as you see it... that is what he wrote... we can only wait ml> and see what happens... CS> True! Catching mail from my SuSe boot laptop in Okinawa city, CS> Okinawa Japan (on vacation from Sasebo Japan). how's it going? is this the one with the fishing trip, too? CS> Why'd Jo Ho look from a Z1 address? Did he move or was he just CS> hitting from web pages like I am right now til I get home tonight? i'm not sure what list he was using but he telnetted into my bbs, one day... i wasn't here when he first visited but i did see it in the logs... later i saw that he was online and we exchanged a few messages in my post office area... that z1 address is mine because it is where he wrote from... i guess it is a good thing that i have some areas set to hold all messages because he got a lot of mail when he logged on here O:) CS> I'll have to remember to turn this echo on again . i've never turned it off %^) )\/(ark * Origin: (1:3634/12) .