Subj : FD 2.02NC or 2.26SW and IP only setup To : Joe Schweier From : Rick Christian Date : Sun Jan 14 2007 12:27 am Hello Joe. 13 Jan 07 13:06, you wrote to Richard Christian: JS> I use both Irex & Taurus... Most mail today is sent via binkp, they JS> are sent other ways, but mail is usually sent that way. I use JS> FD/IREX on my mail host system because I have the software tho JS> support it... FD & FE ... I use the FM editor that comes with FD JS> and well I just like it. I guess I just am missing the clues on how Irex operates. I am thinking it works like FD as a mailer. I just must be reading it wrong and too fast or something.... Right now I am *appeased* with Taurus. It seems to be doing what I needed after getting some english help files, THANKS to Fidonet (the usenet posts got me no where) I can figure out what all the menus do and get them setup. JS> I know that there are little utilities out there that wil help you JS> convert your outbount to BSO but I say what the heck... Use IREX I've got things resolved that way. While I am still a big FD fan, Taurus seems to be what FD was at the time and probably still is if you operate dialup, the top of the line. JS> until JoHo feels like he can put the effort into it. It would be JS> nice if he just made FD an open source project and try to get JS> others when want to help help!! While I'd like to see an IP capable FD, I am not really a programmer so OSS or not is not a big deal...I am just a happy FD x-user and BIG FAN of FD. If OSS'ng helps to move it forward great! I'd just like to see the top mailer move into the IP realm. I chose to get back into Fido as I think theres somethings it has to offer over webnet that the Internet has been morphed into, and thats not a good thing the morphing of the Internet. Plus it gives me a project to play with too. JS> Anyway... what BBS software R U using?? No BBS, I am a mail only node, I never ran a BBS even when I was in Net 129 back in the late 80's and early 90's. Just FD and GIGO and BGFAX. I was quite the little FTN, uucp, fax guru at the time. Looking back over some things...I think...boy have I forgot alot. Rick --- FMail/Win32 1.60 * Origin: Gillette, FL (1:135/373) .