Subj : Help With FD 2.26sw Setup To : All From : Bryan Campbell Date : Sat Feb 17 2007 11:20 pm Hello... I am trying to get my FrontDoor v2.26sw to work in XP PRO... and It will not work... When I load a Fossil Driver and then load FD ... All I get is a runtime error. IT will not load up.. I have tried to change all the settings in FDsetup and In Autoexec.NT and Config.NT to make it work... the only time it will work is if I use DOSbox and then my Fossil Driver will not work... Could anyone give me some help, advice, clues into what I need to do to get it to work... I am Trying to set up a BBS system... Thanks.. Bryan Campbell .... No One Is Ugly After 2:00 AM --- Renegade v09-30.6 DOS * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .