Subj : Telnet for FrontDoor? To : Bill Gordon From : mark lewis Date : Wed Apr 11 2007 03:49 pm BG> Is there anything that can be done to let FrontDoor control a BG> telnet- only bbs? hunh? do you mean where FD can handle telnet accesses? if so, then the answer is a resounding "yes"... i've been doing it here for years... the "trick" i use for it is _not_ following the m$ lemmings and running windows... i (still) run IBM's OS/2 Warp and Ray Gwinn's SIO comm driver replacement package that comes with VMODEM which creates virtual modems... the key thing to it is virtual modems... no matter what OS you run, you need something to create virtual modems or that will at least tie the comport stuff to the TCP/IP stack... *nix has a way of doing it with DOSEMU and i understand that the newer DOSBOX, which comes in several OS flavors, also provides some method of doing this... unfortunately i've not had any time, extra machines, or $$$ to throw at an OS i won't use to try to play with this... what OS are you running? what BBS software are you running? how do you envision doing this? my setup looks and operates exactly the same as it does on the POTS side... in fact, joho told he that it brought tears to his eyes when he telnetted into my system a few months ago and he was greeted with the frontdoor banner as he was passing thru to the bbs O:) )\/(ark * Origin: (1:3634/12) .