Subj : Re: FD and the 200 error To : Mark Lewis From : Rob Harris Date : Wed Oct 03 2007 08:15 pm trying to run Front Door on a amd 850mzh box. ML> what version have you tried? unless i'm mistaken, there was a quick release ML> handle that on the early fast machines... what speed box are you trying to The one you download off defsol website how ever that wont work. neither will the patch off the website. there for i had to install portal of power. witch i was never big on back in the day. Just wish i could get FrontDoor working. ML> at what address? .... He who lives by the sword gets shot with a AK47 --- Renegade v09-30.6 DOS * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .