Subj : Re: FD Beta To : Mark Lewis From : T.J. Mcmillen Date : Thu Nov 22 2007 02:41 pm ML> 1. what are your machine's specs? ML> a. CPU and mhz ML> b. memory ML> c. hard disk size AMD 1700+, 512 MB RAM, 2 80 GIG DRIVES ML> 2. what OS? WinXP ML> 3. what FOSSIL? NetFOSS ML> 4. what telnet shim or virtual modem? NetSerial (Com/IP was worse!) ML> 5. what version of FD? 2.33.mL ML> 6. describe the actual problem you are seeing. As I stated, on some packets, fd would resend from ZERO (0 bytes), 18-20 times over and over and not be able to complete the connection until it finally timed out and failed. Thus it would try to send and/or receive (depending which way it wouldn't transfer), over and over and over and over. Thus forcing me to get a hold of my unlink to kill the packet or if it's on this end, kill the packet here. ML> 7. post log snippets showing problem. Don't use FD to transfer anymore because of the above, so I have no such log files any longer. ML> all i/we can do is try to help... Thanks! .... Define the universe. Give three examples. --- Renegade v11-21.7/Alpha * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .