Subj : Re: FD Beta To : Mark Lewis From : T.J. Mcmillen Date : Sat Jan 12 2008 10:12 pm ML> i got it the first time you posted it... ML> ML> i don't know why it would be being written to the dobbs file like that... ML> everything that i see here seems to show that FD writes the connecting numb ML> as it received it from the "modem device"... my USRs send caller id data ML> preformatted and my telnet shim also writes IP numbers formatted with the d ML> in the proper places... FD, as far as i can see, doesn't unformat them :? Humm .. wish JoHo or Mats would stop by ... maybe they know the "stupid" answer. ;) .... Auntie Em: Hate you. Hate Kansas. Took the Dog. Dorothy. --- Renegade v12-07.7/Alpha * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .