Subj : Registering FD To : T.J. Mcmillen From : mark lewis Date : Tue Aug 16 2011 11:10 pm ml> why would anyone recommend an abandonware package over something? ml> IREX has own sets of problems... problems that simply do not exist ml> with FD... TJM> I don't run OS/2 any longer so I have to stick to something that TJM> works. OS/2 still works ;) especially on older equipment... my main server was a 300mhz celeronA which i was able to upgrade to a 400mhz chip on that motherboard... it is still operational and handling everything that comes my way... in fact, it feeds stuff back to my three linux boxen for servicing at times ;) TJM> IREX works fine and probably will so for the near future. no, not really... try using domain names in IREX and you'll find that it fails quite miserably... instead you have to use IP numbers because the kernel stuff changed such that DNS lookups fail and IPs are required... TJM> Basically, BinkP is where it is at. If FD would have a BinkP TJM> tosser(sender) it would be great. i run a bybrid FD/binkd setup... have done so for years... what i run could likely be streamlined more than i am currently doing, though... it works but requires some scripting majik and a glue tool or two... TJM> And if I could load FD without a COMPORT that would be a big plus TJM> as well. IIRC there is a method of doing this but i'd have to go digging to see if i still have the posts detailing how... but this also bring up the question of why do you need/want to run it without a comport? surely there is at least one on your system you can allow it to access even though it may not actually use it for connections... TJM> But, I don't see any TJM> of those things happening soon, if ever. I love FD, and still TJM> have it here. But I have no way of using it now since I have TJM> nothing installed to emulate a COMPORT. hummm... TJM> With Winblows there's not much of a choice. exactly why i will not run windows for my mission critical processes... )\/(ark * Origin: (1:3634/12) .