Subj : Registering FD To : T.J. Mcmillen From : mark lewis Date : Thu Aug 18 2011 10:24 am ml> no, not really... try using domain names in IREX and you'll find ml> that it f ml> quite miserably... instead you have to use IP numbers because the ml> kernel s ml> changed such that DNS lookups fail and IPs are required... TJM> That's only the Linux version. Plus who the hell wants to run TJM> Linux? I wish eCS would be marketed to the mass public like OS/2 TJM> was. :( I run IREX here with domain names with no issues. i wasn't aware of the problem being strictly related to windows... at least no one has ever stated it so plainly... however, in restrospect, i can see it now and fully understand it, too... windows doesn't come out with new kernels all the time... in fact, they rarely ever come out with new kernels... ml> TJM> I don't run OS/2 any longer so I have to stick to something that ml> TJM> works. ml> ml> OS/2 still works ;) especially on older equipment... my main ml> server was a TJM> Yeah, but I don't have any old boxes lying around for just the BBS TJM> machine tho. i wouldn't if i hadn't refused to move the bbs to each new OS as it came out and was embraced by all and sundry... that box has had a few upgrades over the years but it is essentially the same as it was when i first acquired it... TJM> eCS was nice in a virtual box I setup, but I dunno. TJM> It's been so long since I ran an OS2 platform ... :( and there you have one up on me... i've never used any kind of virtual environment that i know of... maybe win3 on OS/2 was one such but i didn't even really use that once i got another machine for my playing and was able to leave the bbs machine alone for it to perform its mission uninterrupted and unmolested ;) ml> IIRC there is a method of doing this but i'd have to go digging to ml> see if ml> still have the posts detailing how... but this also bring up the ml> question ml> why do you need/want to run it without a comport? surely there is ml> at least ml> on your system you can allow it to access even though it may not ml> actually ml> it for connections... TJM> For it to run under Windows and not die because NetSerial has it's TJM> own issues of crashing when I get pinged 1000x in a row on port TJM> 23 by people looking for a way in. this sounds like you need a perimeter firewall that can handle problems like this... i'm serious, too... i have one such and it didn't cost me a thing... not even for the dedicated machine that it runs on... too many hits of certain types from an address within a certain time period and the door gets slammed shut and remains shut for an amount of time... if that address continues to beat on the door, their block time is extended... i rarely even look at the machine any more... TJM> Net2BBS is comport-less TJM> (virtual) and is what I use now for the server. I had to switch TJM> to NetFOSS from BNU as FD will drop out to load the board and TJM> kill the window because of the FOSSIL. Did the same for X00. So TJM> under winblows, I had no choice, either dump FD and switch to TJM> something that doesn't crash when I get pinged 1000 times within TJM> 2 seconds on all "connection ports/nodes" or have NetSerial die TJM> everyday and have to reboot the computer for it to work. Mike TJM> never did get around to looking into this or fixing it. :( i can understand why he hasn't... i can also understand why you and so many others made the choices you did... i just wish that more had stopped and really looked at things before following the troubled paths they took :? )\/(ark * Origin: (1:3634/12) .