Subj : Re: Front Door 233ML To : Richard Abbott From : T.J. Mcmillen Date : Sat Aug 10 2013 07:18 pm RA> Hello. is there any one out there at all. that know how to fix front door RA> ml233. i love this mailer. i will pay to have did done. RA> its hads the runerror.. i can't get a peply from the person who made it RA> i wrote to him many time. i try all the patches for it. but no luck. RA> any one who can help me? What runtime error are you getting? I run FD v2.33.mL here and have no issues under WinXP. .... Message sent. Destroy immediately upon receipt. --- Renegade v1.19/Alpha * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .