Subj : FrontDoor To : Janis Kracht From : mark lewis Date : Sun Apr 06 2014 12:07 pm On Sun, 06 Apr 2014, Janis Kracht wrote to Manuel Adorni: >> Just a Small reply to let ever one know. that FrontDoor shareware >> and ML 233 works fine. just make sure you used the patch on his >> website. its a great front end mail. for dail up. > I use FD via telnet too :-). JK> I miss FD :) Years ago, I also ran FD under OS/2. Well, BBBS is JK> also a netmal attach mailer, so that's something I don't JK> remember if JoHo ever developed a linux version? I seem to think JK> not. you are correct... FD is/was only publically available in two flavors, DOS and OS/2... there was a winwhatever flavor being worked on but RL got in the way as well as the MFCs and the crap involved to use them... linux wasn't as popular then as it is these days and while there may have been a request or two for a linux version, it was down the list a ways ;) )\/(ark One of the great tragedies of life is the murder of a beautiful theory by a gang of brutal facts. --Benjamin Franklin --- FMail/Win32 1.60 * Origin: (1:3634/12.71) .