Subj : Who is running FD as Telnet Mailer? To : mark lewis From : rick christian Date : Sat Sep 24 2016 07:33 pm On 10/11/2015 08:26 PM, mark lewis -> Elmo Jensen wrote: ml> 11 Oct 15 06:33, you wrote to me: ml>>> the main thing to remember is that there needs to be a ml>>> virtual modem for FD to talk to... I know this thread is ancient... but I am curious about this... Lets just pretend I am crazed.. ok.. so its not so much pretend... So I sudo apt-get install dosbox Then lets say... you put this in the dosbox conf [serial] serial1=modem listenport:3141 Then you mount up a C drive with FD etc... installed XOO loaded up for a FOSSIL and point FD at that FOSSIL with COM1 and dosbox doing its virtual modem thing... And thus **** potentially *** FD would run via net versus DU??? Have you done this??? I might try it after I rectify some things, due to the idea that is swirling in my brain.. this is why you should not read echos late at night! :) ;) I find this very interesting... although I think there are some huge problems in getting FD to actually do this ie: dial something like: * Origin: news:// | acct req'd to post (1:3634/12) .