Subj : Who is running FD as Telnet Mailer? To : rick christian From : mark lewis Date : Tue Sep 27 2016 11:14 am 26 Sep 16 17:57, you wrote to me: ml>> that's the vmodem port... it is generally used for the vmodem ml>> protocol which is a slightly tweaked telnet... rc> Hmmm.. I figured that might be the best choice... that VMODEM protocol rc> came along after I moved on from FTN... that must have been before Ray Gwinn (yes, the x00 fossil author) released SIO for OS/2... SIO brought the entire virtual modem thing to the market... it was the first, best and most reliable virtual modem implementation... winwhatever users suffered for many years before a proper one for the NT kernel stuff was available... most of them, however, only did telnet... SIO brought telnet and vmodem at the same time and two SIOs with the same registration number cannot connect with each other... piracy prevention, ya know ;) rc> Any pointers to info... what I am finding just keeps going to all that rc> OS2 stuff for drivers. yup... AFAIK SIO on OS/2 is the only way one can use the vmodem protocol... rc> So best to have this on a differing port then.(?) I guess I will have rc> to flesh out some more things but AFTER I see that this thing is even rc> installable under DOSBOX.... to avoid the scanner bots on port 23, choose any other port... you can use 3141 if you like... i was just pointing out that vmodem normally runs on that port... ml>> no... my main system (still) runs OS/2 with the original SIO/VModem ml>> stuff... rc> Hmm... well..I guess I will be finding out... VM's are CHEAP! :) ;) so they say ;) rc> I need tp dig up some more docs on this DOSbox thing.. never played rc> with it... ml>> hahaha... the only thing i'm not sure about is being able to do true ml>> multinode with multiple DOSBOXes... i don't know of their file ml>> locking stuff will work across the divisions between them... rc> Never played with it before... so I can't speak to it either.. Right rc> now the noise that is in my head... about using TLB (The Last Byte rc> Memory Manager) in there for EMS/XMS stuff... like I said it really is rc> a bad idea to read echos at night!!!! My imagination runs away with rc> ideas on things! :) ;) hahahaha... i'd probably fall back to QEMU from quarterdeck because i know it... no clue if it would even work with today's stuff, though... ml>> FD doesn't have a problem dialing domains... i actually set mine up to ml>> dial some with telnet and others with vmodem ;) rc> Really??? I would have expected that the input would parse for 0-9 and rc> reject anything and especially puke on . in there let alone rc> letters..hmm.... joho was very forward thinking... frontdoor was the first to offer this capability... ===== fdnode.ctl ===== [snip] DIAL / 011- # internet 0000- internet/:115 000- internet V internet# [snip local calling replacements] END ===== end ===== then phone numbers can look like this in the nodelist or the overrides... # 000- the '#' signals for a telnet connection... the 'V' for a vmodem connection... '000-' is also telnet... '0000-' is telnet to port 115... in retrospect, using 'V' for the vmodem protocol is not a very good idea because of the confusion of the meaning of the character... probably better to use another character that is not allowed in domain names... '@', '%', or '^' seem to be better choices for the 'V' in fdnode.ctl and in the phone numbers in the nodelist and overrides... frontdoor development stopped before the nodelist INA flag was put into use so a lot of stuff has to be done manually instead of reading from the nodelist unless someone wants to write a tool to convert the distributed nodelist to the form that frontdoor can read directly... it is easy enough to do and there are still examples using '000-' as their areacode to signal that the following numbers are an IPv4 number... IPv6 is different and requires additional conversions... SIO doesn't do IPv6 and frontdoor shouldn't care because it thinks it is talking to a modem... NOTE that the above numbers and domains are just examples... nothing more... )\/(ark Always Mount a Scratch Monkey Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDP/IPS yer doin' it wrong... .... Every time I say the word "Exercise" I wash my mouth out with chocolate. --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .