Subj : Errorlevels problem To : Manuel Adorni From : Bj”rn Felten Date : Sat Nov 12 2016 07:10 am MA> if errorlevel 235 goto B300 MA> if errorlevel 236 goto B1200 You need to check the error levels highest first. This is what my old batch file looks like: :loop s: cd \fd fd.exe s: goto exit if errorlevel 104 goto tcl9600 if errorlevel 103 goto tcl9600 if errorlevel 102 goto tcl9600 if errorlevel 101 goto tcl4800 if errorlevel 100 goto tcl2400 if errorlevel 99 goto tcl1275 if errorlevel 98 goto tcl1200 if errorlevel 97 goto tcl300 if errorlevel 94 goto sumwin if errorlevel 93 goto tranx if errorlevel 92 goto squish if errorlevel 91 goto night if errorlevel 90 goto conf if errorlevel 89 goto local if errorlevel 88 goto system if errorlevel 87 goto tclean if errorlevel 86 goto areaf if errorlevel 85 goto fm if errorlevel 84 goto mytcl if errorlevel 83 goto fd_fax if errorlevel 60 goto squish if errorlevel 58 goto daymark if errorlevel 57 goto koll if errorlevel 56 goto sdiskd if errorlevel 55 goto sdiskc if errorlevel 54 goto makenli if errorlevel 53 goto import if errorlevel 52 goto toss if errorlevel 51 goto scan if errorlevel 50 goto pack if errorlevel 10 goto exit if errorlevel 5 goto loop if errorlevel 1 goto exit goto loop ... --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125 * Origin: news:// (2:203/2) .