Subj : Errorlevels problem To : Manuel Adorni From : mark lewis Date : Tue Nov 15 2016 09:24 pm 15 Nov 16 09:18, you wrote to me: MA>>> Tilt all when FD start and show the line: "Preparing outbound mail" ml>> can you be more specific on the term "tilt"? do you mean crash and ml>> close or maybe locking up? MA> The FD tilt and i need to force close Windows. THe windows with FD dead. 32bit or 64bit? how much time passes from good operation till full tilt? ml>> what are your FD path definitions? a pure eWAG says it sounds like it ml>> can't read or write directories it needs to read or write to... MA> Well... is possible but all my directories are fine. I think that. ok... )\/(ark Always Mount a Scratch Monkey Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong... .... Four food groups: canned, frozen, fast and junk. --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .