Subj : Question To : IB JOE From : Joaquim Homrighausen Date : Thu Sep 14 2017 01:06 am Hi Joe, ij> JoHo, it's good to see you are back, around... anyway. I was ij> reading your blog and it has made me excited that you are going ij> to develop FD once again... Well, I want to at least take a serious shot at it. It's "kind of" a complex project to reboot, to put it mildly. But I'm slowly getting up to speed with it. I will try to update the reboot blog every now and then to report progress. I've got some crazy ideas where I want to take this, but one step at a time :) ij> I am excited and hope you find it rewarding. It's still painful, but I'm sure the rewards will come :) ij> Thanx!!! And thank YOU. -joho --- * Origin: Appetite for Construction (2:20/4609) .