Subj : Who is running FD as Telnet Mailer? To : Joaquim Homrighausen From : Robert Wolfe Date : Sun Sep 17 2017 10:51 am ej> I have tried to setup FD as Telnet Mailer, but without luck. ej> I'm using Netserial, and have set it up for Com2. ej> I'm using ADF as fossil, and I can connect with it. I have tried ej> Netfoss too, but that did'nt work at all! ej> If any of you guys or girl out there, are using FD as your ej> primary mailer with Telnet, so please give me some response. ej> Thank you. I must be the only one doing this, but I am doing just what the original poster is trying to do, but only under ArcaOS 5.0.1 (aka OS/2 Warp 5). --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Neptune's Lair * Olive Branch MS * (1:116/17) .