Subj : Interfacing FD with Mystic To : Paul Hayton From : mark lewis Date : Sat Sep 23 2017 10:20 pm On 2017 Sep 24 15:14:02, you wrote to Joaquim Homrighausen: JH>> From the command-line, type: XRDOS QSPOOLMAKE ? JH>> JH>> This command is used to create a "Spool Entry" in the FrontDoor Static JH>> Queue. Once such an entry is created, FD will send anything found in JH>> that directory, to its destination. PH> OK thanks for all this info. PH> So it sounds like I can place packets for a node in a directory and each PH> time packets are placed there I can call the program above and ask it to be PH> sent to that node and (for example) set the status to HOLD. nononononono! you only have to tell FD about the filebox in the STQ one time... once it is entered, it is set... i'm sure there's a way to delete them if needed but i'm not aware of it... TBH, i've not yet tried STQ spool directories in my hybrid environment... i didn't have XROBOT and my self written STQ tool didn't have this but it was planned... i've just never gotten back to it and now i see something with garbage STQ entries which i'm loath to chase since it has been so long... )\/(ark Always Mount a Scratch Monkey Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong... .... Mines are equal opportunity weapons. --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .