Subj : Interfacing FD with Myst To : mark lewis From : Robert Wolfe Date : Mon Sep 25 2017 05:35 pm Just to contribute to the thread, mine gives: Connected to FrontDoor/2 2.32.mL/JH000111; MultiLine **EMSI_MD50021<01.2017092517343637-FrontDoor/2>16C7 Press twice for Maximus/2 Maximus/2 is being loaded. MAXIMUS/2 v3.01 Welcome to... Neptune's Lair * Olive Branch, MS * Operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 3/12/24/96/14400 bps Your system operator: Robert Wolfe REAL NAMES only, please. What is your name: :) So my question is this - is there an OS/2 version of 2.33? Or am I stuck with 2.32 for OS/2? -=> mark lewis wrote to Tommi Koivula <=- TK> I get "FrontDoor 2.33.mL/JH000118; MultiLine" by telnet. ml> confirmed... ml> ----->8 snip 8<----- ml> myuser42@mysystem:~$ telnet 24558 ml> Trying ml> Connected to ml> Escape character is '^]'. ml> FrontDoor 2.33.mL/JH000118; MultiLine ml> **EMSI_MD5001F<00.2017092507495808-FrontDoor>F985 ml> *EMSI_REQA77E ml> Thanks for calling! ml> You have reached the fsxNet Mutura HUB (21:3/100) ml> This HUB is based in Dunedin, New Zealand and is a system ml> that does not accept human callers. It instead is set up for ml> computerised systems that talk in BITS and BYTES. Sorry :) ml> For more details about fsxNet you can visit ml> or you can download the infopack from ml> -= No lamas were harmed in the making of this movie.. =- ml> Connection closed by foreign host. ml> 2017 Sep 24 14:51:11 -0400 ml> myuser42@mysystem:~$ ml> ----->8 snip 8<----- ml> )\/(ark ml> Always Mount a Scratch Monkey ml> Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an ml> IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong... ml> ... At least egotists don't talk about other people. ml> --- ml> * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .... It it ain't broke, let me have a shot at it. ___ MultiMail/CYGWIN_NT-6.1 v0.50 --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Neptune's Lair * Olive Branch, MS * (1:116/17) .