Subj : Interfacing FD with To : Joaquim Homrighausen From : mark lewis Date : Tue Sep 26 2017 12:28 pm On 2017 Sep 26 01:42:00, you wrote to Robert Wolfe: IJ>>> The simplest way to do this is use some of the mailers out there IJ>>> that support BSO... FD does not currently do this without some work. IJ>>> If you used the windows version of Binkleyterm it'll work juat IJ>>> fine... With the use of sexpots, a program Digital Man wrote, you IJ>>> can have users access the BBS via that dialup line. rw>> Why not build in the exact same functionality directly into Mystic rw>> BBS itself? Would that not be easier? JH> BSO being ... static ... something? Binkley Style Outbound but, yes, it is static unless one's has a mean to twiggle the files' names to change their placement and/or extensions... Bonk and SonOfBonk come to mind... )\/(ark Always Mount a Scratch Monkey Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong... .... Insanity: Doing same thing over & over & expecting different results. --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .