Subj : Interfacing FD with To : Joaquim Homrighausen From : mark lewis Date : Tue Sep 26 2017 05:13 pm On 2017 Sep 26 21:46:00, you wrote to IB JOE: ij>> I'm not a programmer, or do I play one on TV, but the solutions ij>> seems simple enough. FD needs to come in other flavors, windows ij>> or linux, and all it needs to do is handle fileboxes for some ij>> of it's outgoing mail. If it's a modem, or vmodem, call it makes ij>> it. If its a binkp call then binkd makes it. JH> I'm not sure what this "Fileboxes" is, but if it's anything FrontDoor's JH> Spool Directories, then FD already handles it, but perhaps it handles it JH> differently than "Fileboxes". yes, fileboxes are the same as spool directories... anything you drop in them is automajikally flicked over the wall and appears in the destination system's inbound... now the question is if i can have FD and binkd both working with the same filebox/spool directories so that mail can be picked up by either method... i've been keeping them split and only doing part of my config steps when i add a new telnet connected node... when i add a binkp connected node, i have several more steps to do... )\/(ark Always Mount a Scratch Monkey Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong... .... Man is the only computer that can be mass produced with unskilled labor. --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .