Subj : Re: Interfacing FD with To : Joaquim Homrighausen From : IB JOE Date : Tue Sep 26 2017 03:41 pm JH> I'm not sure what this "Fileboxes" is, but if it's anything FrontDoor's JH> Spool Directories, then FD already handles it, but perhaps it handles it JH> differently than "Fileboxes". I'll explain quickly... easy as pie. With modern internet mailer setup Binkd, InterNet Rex, whatever, you can have pre-defined directories assigned to a node whereby any files put in that directory will be sent to that node. This is an extreemly good feature. Drop any file in there, and the system just handles handles it... If FD was aware of these directories it would respond in a predetermined way. I'm going to resd up on spool directories Thanx IB JOE AKA Joe Schweier SysOp of Joe's Computer & BBS Telnet: --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A35 (Raspberry Pi/32) * Origin: Joe's Computer & BBS (1:342/200) .