Subj : Re: Interfacing FD with To : mark lewis From : Wilfred van Velzen Date : Wed Sep 27 2017 08:48 am Hi mark, On 2017-09-26 17:13:14, you wrote to Joaquim Homrighausen: ml> yes, fileboxes are the same as spool directories... anything you drop ml> in them is automajikally flicked over the wall and appears in the ml> destination system's inbound... ml> now the question is if i can have FD and binkd both working with the same ml> filebox/spool directories so that mail can be picked up by either ml> method... The problem with fileboxes is that, file-locking and/or lock-file usage for them is undefined and probably non existent. So the only way to savely use them is to use atomic operations when you create files, or even read+delete them. And this should work on all os's and even in mixed environments where for instance a linux and a windows part of a system access the same (network) drive. Atomic operations under these constraints is hard to get right, or maybe even impossible under all circumstances! And all software used should be able to do that. So I regard fileboxes as a kludge, one should only use as a last resort when nothing else works. Bye, Wilfred. --- FMail-lnx64 * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464) .