Subj : Re: Interfacing FD with To : Wilfred van Velzen From : Robert Wolfe Date : Wed Sep 27 2017 08:07 pm -=> Wilfred van Velzen wrote to Robert Wolfe <=- WvV> Hi Robert, WvV> On 2017-09-26 20:42:02, you wrote to Ib Joe: RW> Yeah, I prefer FastEcho myself since the fmail author seems to have no RW> desire to port it over to OS/2. WvV> The last fmail release (1.60 from 2001) by the original WvV> author was available in os2 flavour (and dos too). But WvV> since I have no os2 environment and no development tools WvV> and no knowledge of os2, I'm concentrating my efforts on WvV> 32/64 bit windows and linux environments... RW> What language it is written in anyway? WvV> It's written in C. Email me off echo - and please reference this message. :) .... Insanity: Doing same thing over & over & expecting different results. ___ MultiMail/CYGWIN_NT-6.1 v0.50 --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Neptune's Lair * Olive Branch, MS * (1:116/17) .