Subj : Interfacing FD with Myst To : Joaquim Homrighausen From : Richard Menedetter Date : Thu Sep 28 2017 10:10 pm Hi Joaquim! 27 Sep 2017 22:17, from Joaquim Homrighausen -> Richard Menedetter: rm>> A looooooooong time ago my first contact with Fido was our CS rm>> teacher having a node with FrontDoor, RemoteAccess and FastEcho rm>> ;) JH> Very cool CS teacher of course! ;) Indeed ;) rm>> I have to try to configure a point on linux with FrontDoor and rm>> FMail. (When both are ready, which will take some time) JH> Let us know if you need any help. We're here. Such tasks take an extremely long time for me ... Actually I am extremely happy with my setup (HPT, BinkD, Golded+). But I want to try out some other things. But I will wait until FMail can be used with only JAM and with a config tool working on Linux. And I will also wait until FD has BinkP support on Linux. However long both takes ... I have time ;)) CU, Ricsi --- GoldED+/LNX * Origin: II''mm ssttuucckk iinn hhaallff dduupplleexx!! (2:310/31) .