Subj : DynDNS To : Joaquim Homrighausen From : Richard Menedetter Date : Tue Oct 10 2017 10:47 am Hi Joaquim! 10 Oct 2017 03:22, from Joaquim Homrighausen -> Anyone: JH> I'm guessing everyone is set already as far as dyndns-handling is JH> concerned? JH> If not, I was thinking of putting something similar up. For the time JH> being, it only works with proper BIND (dynamic) updates with key JH> pairs. I'm doing it under * at the moment, but we could JH> obviously register anything for this purpose :-) Thanx for the offer! I do have a pseudo static address ... so I am fine. As an alternative Hurricane Electric (who provides IPv6 tunnels) also has a free DNS service for IPv4 and IPv6: CU, Ricsi --- GoldED+/LNX * Origin: I'm not as think as you drunk I am! (2:310/31) .