Subj : FD & BinkD To : Joe Schweier From : mark lewis Date : Sun Sep 30 2018 05:13 pm On 2018 Sep 30 07:59:26, you wrote to All: JS> Is anyone using FD with BinkD?? i was... it requires the use of at least one glue tool to move the files to/from the binkd inbound and outbound directories... i used fileboxes for both and a 4DOS/4OS2 bat script to move the files in to the central FD/FE inbound processing directory... i used a glue tool written by matts wallen and specific to FD to move the outbound files to the outbound fileboxes... it was quite workable but definitely a hack and a half... somewhere in there netmgr was also needed for moving some netmails and matts' tool moved others... i forget why i had to do that but it worked... it is not a setup for the faint of heart or those that don't understand advanced batch file programming... i don't run that setup any more since my HDs decided they didn't know how to initialize when i tried to bring the system back online after Hurricane Florence left the area... )\/(ark Always Mount a Scratch Monkey Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong... .... Eat *it*? See, I can't even type the word! --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .