Subj : FD & BinkD To : Joe Schweier From : mark lewis Date : Sat Oct 06 2018 02:18 pm On 2018 Oct 01 18:09:22, you wrote to me: JS> I'm trying to figure out what version of BinkD... there must be 7 or 8 JS> different versions for windows alone... Pearl... that's easy enough... take the one with the highest version number and the additional listed features that you might need for your specific OS... JS> Anyway, would be nice if JoHo made some small changes to FD so that it JS> would dove tail into Bink a little better. Kinda like what D'Bridge JS> does... A 16bit Mailer that has code added into it. I know it might be JS> more than that.... But it can't be that bad it is a lot more than that... for one thing, having the old build environment available and running on today's machines... that's a huge hurdle... using a different compiler isn't an easy task, either... especially when you have Pascal, C and ASM code to build and link and we've not even touched on being able to use any external or 3rd party libraries... in short, it just won't happen without a new FrontDoor which will likely be 32bit or 64bit... in this day, i would expect 64bit before any other... i never got as far as Tommi did and set up FD's fileboxes in the STQ... i used matts' tool to move the mail and files from the STQ to the individual fileboxes i had set up in my binkd configuration... i left my Allfix and Fastecho configured as they were so as far as they were concerned, everything was done in FD's inbound and outbound directories and they had no clue that binkd was even on the system... handling FREQs was another matter, though... especially those that came in via binkd... it was a huge monstrous kludge and that's a word i don't use lightly... )\/(ark Always Mount a Scratch Monkey Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong... .... 'Like putty in your hands' takes on a new and depressing meaning. --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .