Subj : Question To : All From : Joe Schweier Date : Thu Nov 22 2018 06:37 am * Forwarded from "FidoNET OS2BBS" * Original by Joe Schweier (1:342/200) * Original to All * Original dated Thu 22 Nov 2018 6:36a -+- Forwarded message follows: -+- Is there any OS/2 experts out there??? I use an OS/2 VM, Arca Noae, and I'm using FD/2 FE/2 and Irex/2 to send and receive mail. Anyway, I have a line in an old batch file I use to run on any windows maching, or DOS machine.... BTW it still works on my windows 10 machine. for /f "delims=" %%x in.... See it in the section beclow?? :Start @echo off :start cd\Somewhere for /f "delims=" %%x in ('date /t') do set date=%%x del joes.asc echo %Date% >>JOES.ASC ...... Much Much Much deleted.... goto ad :ad PM /I:JOES.ASC /T:All /S:BBS AD %date% /C:21 :Stop That line captures the current date and then I can add it into my BBS ad txt file.... Anyway, is there a similar command for OS/2?? Thanx Joe -!- ! Origin: Joe's Mail System 1:342/200 (1:342/200) -+- End of forwarded message -+- --- * Origin: Joe's Mail System 1:342/200 (1:342/200) .