Subj : Running FD on multiple nodes To : Flavio Bessa From : mark lewis Date : Thu Dec 27 2018 06:56 pm On 2018 Dec 24 15:52:22, you wrote to All: FB> I have today FD running on a virtual modem, making events and stuff. FB> Is it possible to run FD on a second node (with a real modem), so it FB> can answer dial-up calls and transfer mail? absolutely... before my OS/2 system went TITSUP (Total Inability To Support Usual Processing), my first 8 nodes were all connected to POTS... all my virtual modems were attached to my nodes higher than 11 which left me nodes 9 and 10 for local operations... i went the above configuration because it was easier for me to have one catchall configuration for my POTS lines and separate ones for my virtual ones... that way i only needed to edit one file for any changes in my POTS setup and all those nodes would react as desired... my virtual modem nodes each have their own configs... make sure you set your TASK number as needed and inside fdconfig there's a section where you can specify the TASK/node number you are configuring... what i did was to configure one node (eg: node 11) and then copy its files over to the other names and then change just the one or two things in them that were different... eg: copy MDCFG11.FD MDCFG12.FD copy MODEM11.FD MODEM12.FD i also had separate EVENT*.FD files and others... if you don't have them numbered in your directory, they are used for nodes that do not have a specific one... which ever one the com port is defined in will certainly be different... other files i had were specific to a node so i used my TASK variable in my file configs... eg: Log File: $[FD]\FDN$[TASK].log which would create the FDN1.log file where the FD= environment variable pointed to and use the TASK number from the TASK= environment variable... yes, i put my logs in my FD directory but they could easily go in each node's directory... eg: Log File: $[FD]\Node$[TASK]\FD.LOG use of these EVs (Environment Variables) can be extremely useful in a multinode environment... the should be able to be used everywhere you have a path or file name defined... you can use any EV that you create in your .bat file so you might use $[NODE] if you don't like TASK to store the node number... set NODE=42 this TASK/NODE variable is what i passed on my FD command line in my .bat file... i had one .bat that handled /all/ of my nodes and made prolific use of these EVs... i just started each one in its own window with the same .bat file... ----- snip ----- REM run_fd.bat if '%1' == '' goto error set FD=c:\fd set TASK=%1 rem make sure node's specific directory exists. rem create it if it doesn't. eg: c:\fd\node1 if not exist %FD\%TASK\nul mkdir %FD\NODE%TASK :top rem start FD with the TASK node number. FD %TASK rem do errorlevel processing here blah blah if errorlevel == 10 goto end goto top :error echo you must tell me the node number to use! goto end :end echo run_fd.bat terminates ----- snip ----- )\/(ark Always Mount a Scratch Monkey Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong... .... The liberal whiner can find the gray cloud in every silver lining. --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .