Subj : Re: FD and NetSerial To : The Leprechaun From : T.J. Mcmillen Date : Mon Mar 01 2021 02:35 pm TL> I'm trying to get FD (2.26) to call out. As Nitro shared, I can TL> call out via the terminal, so I believe the virtual modem and FD are talki TL> When I try to send out the netmail (to try and get a node address to my FDNODE.CTL USE ZONE 1 2 3 4 5 6 25 PVTLIST D:\FD\NODELIST\METLIST.* PHONE 1:229/426 PHONE 1:129/305 DIAL 1-724- # Internet ;IP translate numbers starting with '#' 0000- Internet/:155 ;IP translate numbers starting with 0000- V Internet# ;IP translate numbers starting with 'V' END Did you recompile the nodelist with FDNC as well? .... Your father is waiting for you in the toolshed... --- Renegade v1.22a/DOS * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .