Subj : Mail transfer To : All From : The Leprechaun Date : Wed Mar 03 2021 12:50 pm Hopefully this will be my last post on the FD Echo. When trying to send mail, it is failing. Here are the logs. Calling NC Net 114 Arizona, 1:114/0, CONNECT 57600/ARQ No response from remote system sType: FTS-1 Switched to Telink Unable to send E:\FD226\PACKETS\0001890B.PKT Unable to complete mail transfer To 1:114/0, 0:20, 0 The outcome is the same no matter which node I try to send to. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance! .... Do I even WANT ancestors? Some of those I found I wish I could lose. --- Renegade v1.22/DOS * Origin: PB Renegade ( Mesquite, Tx (1:124/5014.2) .