Subj : UTF-8 nodelist report To : All From : Michiel van der Vlist Date : Fri Oct 15 2021 12:44 am chkwf8 2.0.1 W32 UTF-8 well formed sequence test. © 2015-2017, Michiel van der Vlist, PA0MMV (2:280/5555) File: dailyutf.288 ,208,-=P=I=X=-,S?ve,Bjrn_Felten,46-31-960447,9600,CM,XA,V34 ^ 2386 lines read. 2371 lines found with ASCII only. 14 lines found with well formed UTF-8 sequences. 1 line found with an ill formed UTF-8 sequence. 0 lines found with a BOM. .... Αναπληρωτής Επίτροπος Αστυνομίας --- Deputy Nodelist Police Commissioner * Origin: Главный заместитель комиссара полиции нодлиста (2:280/5555) .