Subj : GoldEd UTF-8 To : Carlos Navarro From : Michiel van der Vlist Date : Wed Nov 30 2022 10:40 pm Hello Carlos, On Wednesday November 30 2022 16:52, you wrote to me: MV>> But sacrificing the pound sign? Life is making choices and when MV>> it comes to choosing between the Pound sign and the a with MV>> tilde, I choose the Pound. I think the Brittih made a mistake to MV>> not go for the Euro and keep the pound Sterling as their MV>> currency, but it is what it is and the Pound Sterling is still MV>> in wide spread use. CN> You could also type GBP, like with EUR. :-) I could type GPB or £ (Alt 156) and it will be correctly translated to UTF-8 in my outgoing messages. The problem is /incoming/. I do not have control over that. What are the chances that an incoming well formed UTF-8 sequence with the last byte is meant as a Pound sign or as an 'a' with tilde? In /my/ case? Since I do not master the portugese language and fidonet participants do not write to me in Portugese, the chance that it is meant as a Pound sign is far greater than it is meant as an 'a'with tilde. Your case may be different... Cheers, Michiel --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303 * Origin: (2:280/5555) .