Subj : GoldEd UTF-8 To : Michiel van der Vlist From : Carlos Navarro Date : Thu Dec 01 2022 07:34 pm 30 Nov 2022 22:40, you wrote to me: MV> I could type GPB or £ (Alt 156) and it will be correctly translated to MV> UTF-8 in my outgoing messages. The problem is /incoming/. Yes, I know. MV> I do not have control over that. What are the chances that an incoming MV> well formed UTF-8 sequence with the last byte is meant as a Pound sign MV> or as an 'a' with tilde? In /my/ case? Since I do not master the MV> portugese language and fidonet participants do not write to me in MV> Portugese, the chance that it is meant as a Pound sign is far greater MV> than it is meant as an 'a'with tilde. MV> Your case may be different... Yes, I prefer support for languages, more than for special symbols. Each case is different. :-) Anyway, a workaround could be: save one of the files with a different name, e.g. utf8_850alt.chs, then add this to golded.cfg: XLATCHARSET UTF8ALT CP850 utf8_850alt.chs Then you can press Ctrl-J and switch to UTF8ALT to view it with the "alternative" conversion. I've just done it now to be able to quote your pound sign above. ;-) Carlos --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: cyberiada point (2:341/234.1) .