Subj : UTF-8 nodelist report To : Chris Jacobs From : Michiel van der Vlist Date : Sat Feb 25 2023 06:19 pm Hello Chris, On Friday February 24 2023 17:49, you wrote to me: MvV>> ,208,-=P=I=X=-,S?ve,Bj÷rn_Felten,46-31-960447,9600,CM,XA,V34 CJ> Wanneer wordt die legacy umlaut eindelijk eens verwijderd? Why do you call it "legacy? It is just wrongly encoded. The enconding is Latin-1 while it should be UTF-8. I just report the error, it is not in my power to correct it. That is the job of the *Cs. MvV>> ... ╬æ╬╝╬▒╩Ç╬╗╬╗╩ü╩ë╩ä╬«╩é ╬ò╩Ç╬»╩ä╩ü╬┐╩Ç╬┐╩é MvV>> ╬æ╩â╩ä╩à╬╝╬┐╬╝╬»╬▒╩é MvV>> --- Deputy Nodelist Police Commissioner MvV>> * Origin: ┴ô┴╗┴░┴▓┴╝╦ï┴╣ ┴╗┴░┴╝┴┤╦ü╦é┴╗╦é┴┤┴╗╦î MvV>> ┴║┴╝┴╝┴╗╦ü╦ü┴░╦Ç┴░ ┴┐┴╝┴╗┴╗╦å┴╗┴╗ ┴╝┴╝┴┤┴╗┴╗╦ü╦é┴░ (2:280/5555) Your message was encoded in CP437. That does not work well for quoting UTF-8 text... Cheers, Michiel --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303 * Origin: (2:280/5555) .