Subj : codepage To : Rob Swindell From : Michiel van der Vlist Date : Mon Mar 06 2023 09:41 pm Hello Rob, On Sunday March 05 2023 11:40, you wrote to me: >> I see... So it is the terminal - or whatever functions as its >> equivalent - and only the terminal that determines the encoding of the >> message at hand. RS> Or rather, the message content created with that terminal. If the RS> content is just plain ASCII, regardless of the terminal that created RS> it, then the message will fly the ASCII charset flag. In Synchronet, a RS> CP437 terminal cannot be used to created UTF-8 content, so messages RS> created by such a terminal will either be ASCII or CP437 encoded. Understood. >> RS> The only encodings Synchronet supports for message text are >> RS> ASCII, CP437, and UTF-8. >> >> Hmmm... That leaves out a big part of Fidonet. These days the >> majority, maybe the vast majority is writen in a language that uses >> the Cyrillic alfabet and the encoding is CP866. RS> True, that's the state of things. Well, at least those needing more that CP437 can use UTF-8. >> >> So what happens in that case if the terminal does not support >> >> UTF-8? >> >> RS> The message text would be converted to CP437 before being >> RS> quoted and the response would be in CP437. >> >> And now I come back to my previous question: what happens if it >> does not fit into CP437? That can easely happen. A Euro sign '¿' >> can be composed in UTF-8 but it does not fit into CP437. I see that the EURO sign is translated into an inverted question mark. RS> When a CP437 terminal user quotes a UTF-8 message that contains RS> untranslatable UNICODE codepoints without a CP437 equivalent, they're RS> translated to character that indiciates it was untranslatable. By RS> default, that character is the upside down question mark. Check. Next question: Can Synchonet deal with a UTF-8 encoded nodelist? Here is where to find one: Cheers, Michiel --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303 * Origin: Nieuw Schnøørd (2:280/5555) .