Subj : utf-8 test To : Peicheng Huang From : Michiel van der Vlist Date : Fri Aug 18 2023 12:24 pm Hello Peicheng, On Friday August 18 2023 13:32, you wrote to Chris Jacobs: PH> I also use MultiMail/Win 0.52, but I can't see the UTF-8 characters. PH> They all became square boxes. (My Windows codepage set to 65001 UTF-8) PH> How to correctly show UTF-8 characters in Windows consle? In addition to seting the code page to 65001, you also have to select a TrueType font like Lucide Console. Cheers, Michiel --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303 * Origin: Nieuw Schnøørd (2:280/5555) .