Subj : /hotdoged on samsung a50 To : Tommi Koivula From : Michiel van der Vlist Date : Sun Jun 07 2020 02:01 pm Hello Tommi, On Saturday June 06 2020 20:28, you wrote to August Abolins: >> Do you need to wear glasses? TK> When looking the screen of my cell phone I usually take my glasses TK> off. :) Lucky you, you are myopic. I am hypermetropic, I always need glasses.. I have multifocus glasses. The advantage of always needing them is that I do not take them off and so never have to seacrh for them. ;-) It is good to know that Hotdoged supports UTF-8. Cheers, Michiel --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303 * Origin: (2:280/5555) .