Subj : Clrghouz, calling for some test dummies... To : deon From : Andrew Leary Date : Fri Jun 23 2023 03:30 am Hello deon! 23 Jun 23 10:10, you wrote to all: de> So over the last couple of years I've been chipping away at my owner de> mailer and tosser "clrghouz" - it's been an interesting exercise, and de> it's enabled me to put into practise some coding that I have used for de> other projects. de> I created clrghouz to leverage modern software and coding principles de> (since many of the software used in this hobby is old and the author's de> or their code is long gone), but to preserve the ability to continue de> to use that old software (warts 'an all) - which is kind of why many de> of us are here. de> Ultimately I'm wanting it to become the new Hub 3 - making it easier de> (for me at least) to manage an FTN network (or two), and make it de> easier for systems that use it? I'm at the stage now that I should get de> some real users testing it and to see how you can break it :) de> While I consider it still in development, if you are willing and would de> like to help me test it further, then please keep reading ... de> Clearing Houz supports both EMSI mailers over TCP (the old modem, de> dialup mailers like FrontDoor, Portal Of Power, ifcico, etc) and BINKP de> mailers. If you want to use an EMSI mailer with Windows, then I de> recommend Digital Man's SVDM which is what I've been using. For DOS de> you can use a serial cable and another device running tpcser. de> (While I've tested a few old EMSI mailers with success, I know de> D'Bridge with it's EMSI mode doesn't work - which I'll aim to fix one de> day and I'll happily prioritise that if there is interest.) de> For the EMSI mailers, I've only implemented ZModem with 1K block size, de> but in time I'll enable up to 8K and a sliding window as well as maybe de> Hydra (since that seems to also be common). de> For BINKP, I've not implemented all features (like Crypt, Compression) de> - but I'll do that too in time too. The current BINKP seems to be de> working well, as I've been feeding Clearing Houz from Hub 3 for quite de> some time now (and you may have noticed the test message replies in de> FSX_TST). de> At the moment, clrghouz will send out only uncompress packets (with up de> to 50 messages in a packet), but can accept both uncompressed and ZIP de> archives. Any other file type is not processed and remains in the de> inbound until I notice them. de> Packets are processed in real time (unless there are more than 50 de> messages in it), so if your packet has a ping or a test message, you de> should get a reply in the same BINKP/EMSI session. de> I'm also happy to look at implementing other packet transfer formats de> if you want to try other things (eg: getting mail via a http API call, de> so you can feed a BBS directly without a mailer.) de> For testing, you could either: de> * For your current BBS, get a second feed via Clearing Houz - using de> your existing FSX address. Your mailer dupe processing should de> illiminate duplicates that you will receive, and the hubs should drop de> them for anything you send out. (If it doesn't please let me know). * de> Spin up a new BBS with a new address and feed it from Clearing Houz de> Ideally I'd like a few users in category :) de> I've still got a lot I want to do on clearing houz, and there is de> probably many bugs that need ironing out, so if you are interested in de> helping out let me know. de> You can start by heading to its web address and de> create a user account. Your BBS "should be there", and you should be de> able to claim it (although the claiming process it not that robust de> yet). If you find things out of place, not intuitive or could be de> improved let me know... I'll send you netmail with the results of my trying to register and link my BBS. Andrew --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304 * Origin: Phoenix BBS * (21:4/105) .