Subj : More to come.. To : Jay Harris From : Accession Date : Sat Jan 20 2024 07:51 am Hello Jay, On Sat, 20 Jan 2024 14:03:14 -0500, you wrote: JH> Ok, so maybe something weird with pasting in Thunderbird, but this JH> looked fine when I pasted/posted it but got messed up server side. THIS JH> is what I pasted: I wonder if those same kind of antics are what's happening to the FROM field in the newsreader. It seems like letters are being taken out, new ones might be added, and for some reason sometimes it adds an extra "->" in there. It's just super wierd that everything else seems to work, EXCEPT the from field in the newsreader (even the headers and kludges seem fine). So with Smapinntpd, compiled and running on 64bit linux, I have no issues *except* with Thunderbird. Thunderbird still works, but it will have something like "212/192" in the from field or something similar, guessing based on the node number of the sender. Otherwise, I can read and write in Thunderbird fine. It has to be something specific to Thunderbird, but the difference in Jamnntpd vs Smapinntpd's code makes it difficult to pinpoint. Regards, Nick .... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway." --- Claws Mail 4.2.0 (GTK 3.24.38; x86_64-w64-mingw32) * Origin: _thePharcyde distribution system (Wisconsin) (21:1/200.0) .