Subj : Mystic binkp poll logging To : Dumas Walker From : Al Date : Wed Apr 01 2020 02:31 pm >>Something seems to be blocking me (and probably your link) on your port 23 an >> 24554 although I don't know what. > I wonder what. I have sent my *.can files to DM via email to see if he > maybe sees something I do not. I do have several blocks in the > ip-silent.can file, but neither of you would appear to be covered by any of > them. That's really curious. I think if it was Synchronet blocking access it would log the activity an IP affected. If you can load up a quick & dirty Mystic on some port on that machine I could try that and see if I can connect but I think there is something else happening here. --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-4 * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (21:4/106) .