Subj : Re: SIO/SIO2K To : Blue White From : Phoobar Date : Tue Apr 28 2020 08:49 pm BW> Not having a port open would do it. I am not sure you have to take your BW> main system offline. I think you only have to open a "hole" in the BW> router for that port pointed at the IPA of the OS/2 VM. Unless, of BW> course, you are attempting to use the same port on both machines, in BW> which case your board machine would need to come down first before you BW> change the router. Was going to try to get this done the last 3 days...but will have to wait until this weekend. Still have the board on 7788...bink on 24554 & it all works. I try to open up other holes...the router says they are done...but when I do the online port sniffer...only the 2 above are open. If I can get the board/tosser/front end running...will be moving to the 2 open ports. May just give OS/2 the same IP address as the netbook & see if the holes are open. Been wanting to goof off with Hexen for about a week & this takes the time I was going to use. ACME BBS-Member of fsxNet/WWIVNet/SciNet/AmigaNet/VKRadio/FidoNet/MicroNet. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/21 (Windows/32) * Origin: ACME BBS-Beep-Beep! (21:2/147) .