Subj : RE: tcpser & dosemu! To : Blue White From : alterego Date : Sat May 16 2020 05:02 pm Re: RE: tcpser & dosemu! By: Blue White to alterego on Fri May 15 2020 07:39 pm BW> OK so that is just the bomb! I got tty0tty and tcpser installed BW> in a virtualbox devuan ascii machine. Also installed dosemu. The only BW> issue I am having now is that the virtual machine does not have xwindows BW> on it. So dosemu runs but, unlike on my host, if I fire up a dos BW> program all hades breaks loose as far as the display settings go. I BW> need to figure out how to fix that, probably in my dosemu.conf. It is pretty awesome when stuff like this works ! :) I cant help you with the dosemu issue - but I do run dosemu in docker... :) It is using tightvnc to provide the X environment, so I connect to it remotely (from my MAC) - and I can disconnect leaving it running... ....лоег .... HE has not a single redeeming defect. --- SBBSecho 3.11-Linux * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (21:2/116) .