Subj : Re: Virtual Modem for a DOS BBS To : Grim Reaper From : stizzed Date : Wed Jun 24 2020 07:50 am On |1521 Jun 2020|08, |15Grim Reaper |08said the following... GR> 119 GR> Replying to a msg dated 21 Jun 20 09:39, from you to all. GR> GR> I found NETFOSS (net2bbs) to work better there with DOS based systems. GR> I did install netserial also, but found i have to use NET2BBS for the GR> BBS front end that loaded the bbs etc when someone telnet in. GR> GR> Never could get netserial & dos bbs to load myself, always failed trying GR> to access COM ports etc. Sure it works somehow that way, just found GR> net2bbs worked. We were able to get netserial to work after an update! ..\\ichael Batts a.k.a. stizzed (because, why not?) SysOp, The ROCK BBS III --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/06/11 (Windows/32) * Origin: The ROCK III - - TELNET:10023 (21:4/156) .